Wrestler Spotlight: Austin Cooper 1
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Wrestler Spotlight: Austin Cooper 1
Access Wrestler Spotlight: Austin Cooper 1's Streaming Videos!
The Virtuoso of Pain vs The Prince of Promise
Duration: 29 minutes
One look at Lucky Loko, and you're tempted to say, "I thought Clint Eastwood rubbed this guy out back in 1983." At first glance, it might be easy to write off the tattooed slacker. But the wrestling fan - or the wrestler - who underestimates this dude, does so at a cost. H…See the action now!
History in the Making
Duration: 31 minutes
They say beautiful people can wear anything - or nothing at all. Man-of-the-hour Austin makes a jaw-dropping entrance, sporting a wildly eclectic ensemble: red-framed shades, red varsity wrestling jacket, bun-hugging white and red-trimmed briefs, red patent-leather wrestli…See the action now!
In the Red - or - The Big Bad Beating in Beantown!
Duration: 39 minutes
Austin is smokin' hot in metallic red trunks and domino mask, red varsity jacket too, but we're worried. Isn't all that red, well, a bit dicey with the Firestorm due to arrive at any second? Won't it be like waving a red flag in the face of a bull? Coop doesn't look worrie…See the action now!