Undagear 22
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Fighting Machines
Duration: 33 minutes
BG East introduces a couple of tough, muscular newcomers in the opening match of Undagear 22. Archer and Jakeno take their grappling seriously as you can tell by watching them train for their imminent competition. Their strong bodies are combat ready and built to rumble. W…See the action now!
Warning Signs It Might Be a Bad Bad Day
Duration: 26 minutes
You don't set foot on a mat with Kid Karisma unless you are ready, willing and able to get hurt. The dude likes his fun and has a legendary sense of humor and joie de vivre but he also plays HARD. The wrestlers who have squared off against him report that the experience is…See the action now!
Two Ferociously Feisty F*ckers Fight Fire With Fire
Duration: 41 minutes
Now here's a match that is decidedly welcomed by the fans but also among the most highly anticipated by the BG East brethren. In fact, many even asked if they could observe the match live as it was taped. Skrapper has a reputation for being an all-out aggressive, tough-as…See the action now!