Ringwars 8
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Power & Punishment
Duration: 27 minutes
After being side-lined by an injury, Tommy is back bigger and better than ever in a spectacular ringwar. He shocks the big Bulldog with one of the fastest first-fall finishes in BG history! After jobbing Justin on Jobberpaloozer 4, the Bulldog wasn't expecting much from th…See the action now!
Battle of the Bulge
Duration: 26 minutes
A pre-match warm-up and a post-bell test of strength affords the viewer a chance to study the impressive physiques and revealing gear - Justin in his usual baby blue and Tony in hot pink! When Justin early on succeeds with a sexy exposing submission hold, Tony responds in…See the action now!
Troy Fights the Law
Duration: 24 minutes
"Wrestling is a sport, not a beauty contest!", announces the Sheriff to the camera. Another "crusader" has arrived to set things "straight" at BG East! Troy's narcissism, which surfaced when he turned on his brother on Tag Team Torture 3, comes into full-blossom here versu…See the action now!
Jobber in a Jockstrap
Duration: 36 minutes
Newcomer Joe Driver, ex-military, earnest and eager, honest and humble, fills his stars and stripes square cut like few others. Great for the viewer! Not so great for a rookie facing a nasty skinhead heel known for ball-busting bulge-abuse. And while these guys are identic…See the action now!