Pros in Private 12: A Public Pounding
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Pros in Private 12: A Public Pounding
Access Pros in Private 12: A Public Pounding's Streaming Videos!
Duration: 42 minutes
This is Trent Blayze's sixth BGE release. The six-foot-one Tennessee boy is strong as an ox, but cagey and mild-mannered, belonging to the aw-shucks-y'all school of Southern gentlemanliness. But in the land of grits and red-eye gravy, being a gentleman does not preclude to…See the action now!
Pros in Public
Duration: 10 minutes
Same opponents, different ring names, different venue. Jonny Firestorm and Trent Blayze are no longer in the ring at the BG East compound. Now they're in an Elks Lodge in Rhode Island, with a live crowd surrounding an indie Northeast promotion wrestling ring. The wrestle…See the action now!