Motel Madness UK 5
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Motel Madness UK 5*
Access Motel Madness UK 5's Streaming Videos!
A Very Serendipitous Introduction
Duration: 59 minutes
Kid Vicious was making one of his frequent skinhead fight tours of the UK, glugging a Guinness at a skin pub, when cute Niku was pointed out to him as a "hot foreign lad into wrestling". Niku probably had little idea what he was getting himself into - over and above the ob…See the action now!
Putting The HOT in Hotel!
Duration: 44 minutes
These horny young Brit stallions erupt with a bang when host Gabriel opens the hotel room door to admit his eager opponent. Jared thrusts himself into the unsuspecting Gabriel, scooping the smaller kid by his armpits and driving him into the nearest wall for a dominating i…See the action now!