Motel Madness UK 4
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Motel Madness UK 4*
Access Motel Madness UK 4's Streaming Videos!
Big Boy Meets A Fan
Duration: 35 minutes
It's not unusual for BG wrestlers to hear from their fans. Some meet on-line and in chat rooms and occasionally, though rarely, they actually meet in person. A London pub reunion of several BG wrestlers drew the attention of most everyone in the room but especially Graham…See the action now!
Bring It On, Big Boy!, or, The Big Bad Wolf!
Duration: 42 minutes
Dave is well known on the prviate mats of the UK as one very tough customer and BG fans remember his incredibly rough and tough all-out brawl with Dane Tarsen. So it was no surprise to BG when he said his number one choice for a BG-UK match was Wolf, our tattooed Gernam st…See the action now!