Mat Madness 1
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Tiny Tim and Raging Ray in a Wedgie War!
Duration: 27 minutes
Ray Naylor exudes pure Alpha arrogant swagger wherever he goes, always bringing a brutal fierceness to any fight. Naturally skilled on the wrestling mats, he has twisted opponent after opponent into knots, ripping screams of mercy from their lungs, all with a madman seriou…See the action now!
A Clash of Classes: The One Percent vs the Ninety Nine Percent
Duration: 38 minutes
Damien arrives at the BG East ring, dressed is his usual snappy dress clothes, ready to change into his pro gear for a scheduled ring match, only to be greeted by a polite note from Ethan: 'Damien - Meet me in the mat room - Ethan.' Pondering the instructions with a com…See the action now!