Mat Hunks 2
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Lean mean shootfighter takes on big Brazilian long
Duration: 25 minutes
Beautifully hairy chest, lean, muscular and in top condition, John delivers a spectacular display of balance and strength. A clearly skilled matman, he toys with Rolando even hoisting the bigger dude up into a bearhug. John is adept at arm bars and ankle locks but Rolando…See the action now!
Brad is back to wrestle a BIG powerful Virgin Isla
Duration: 26 minutes
Here's a major muscle-man match between two skilled and determined mat hunks. Brad's ribs get crushed under BigBoy's repeated cross body scissors. When Bigboy tries a school-boy pin Brad bridges up under him. Brad's ankle lock/leg spread has BigBoy in big trouble. Brad's h…See the action now!
Evenly-matched young studpuppies in sexy singlets
Duration: 28 minutes
Nick promised Adam a pro match knowing full well that the BG ring was closed for repairs. Instead he offers the new guy a singlet and brings him to the mat room where the former high school champ knows he has the advantage. As Nick scores success after success in BGEast he…See the action now!
Our totally ripped muscleboy meets a chunky chico!
Duration: 25 minutes
We are first treated to a Troy work-out on the weights showing off his beautiful biceps and those incredible abs. Toro greatly outweighs Troy and uses it to good advantage repeatedly sitting on Troy's chest. Troy's pleasure is evident as he wraps his chiselled thighs aroun…See the action now!