Gazebo Grapplers 12
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Gazebo Grapplers 12
Access Gazebo Grapplers 12's Streaming Videos!
War Game, or SOCK It To Me!
Duration: 30 minutes
About five years ago a war was brewing. It was not a war over geographic boundaries, religion, human rights, or energy resources. It was not one of the ordinary wars we see repeated in history from ancient times to the present. This war was BG East's personal concoction…See the action now!
Borderline Psychosis
Duration: 33 minutes
In the gazebo, boyishly cute CJ Parker paces, in singlet and jacket emblazoned with "USA." He's a real American, but then we don't need subtitles to tell us that—his high cheekbones, light bronze tan, perfectly symmetrical features, Baldwinesque eyes, and tooth-fill…See the action now!
A Chang Is Gonna Come, or, The Deep End: In Over His Head
Duration: 24 minutes
Paul Hudson crashes Chip Chang's photo shoot at the gazebo. Hudson and Chang are scheduled to wrestle, and Hudson wants to get right to it. He doesn't have time for body worship or fancy-pants aesthetics. In his book, wrestling is about one thing and only one thing - wr…See the action now!