Fantasymen 3
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Hot Small Guy vs Big Guy Action
Duration: 30 minutes
Cruze comes home from a hard day out on the town, puts on a cd and then blows off some steam practicing some dance moves. Vinnie makes an entrance in his white military uniform, strips down to nothing, steps into his steam shower. When he emerges we watch him prepare for b…See the action now!
The Golden Boy vs The Hunk
Duration: 18 minutes
On the phone Flyboy is having some trouble with his connection. The phone company sends out a lineman. He checks out the problem - and the Flyboy. The goldenboy asks the hunky, tough-looking lineman if he would mind helping move something. Like what, he asks. Wrestling mat…See the action now!
Babyface Gut Pounding!
Duration: 33 minutes
Jose enters the gym, peels off his sweatshirt revealing a ripped physique. He hits the weights, pumps up his hot body, then sensuously stretches showing off his incredible flexibility. He heads for the arena. Entering the locker room, Gary peels off his tight jeans, puts o…See the action now!