Demolition 32
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Big Mouth
Duration: 28 minutes
Tiko and Cody cut their teeth at a live BGE-sponsored event in Florida a few years ago. Close in height and weight, the two confident indie studs were destined to cross paths in the wrestling ring. Tiko has dyed his quiff to match the metallic purple of his trunks. His bod…See the action now!
Brute Force
Duration: 30 minutes
Bruno and Charlie are booked for the mat room, but Bruno's at the ring, sitting on the apron, adjusting his knee pads. Charlie's boiling mad because he's been waiting in the mat room, suited up in a singlet, ready to wrestle college-style. Finding Bruno in the ring, he dem…See the action now!
Turned Inside Out
Duration: 27 minutes
Here's our Jonny in his smooth-chested, super-cocky period. Like Picasso's, Jonny Firestorm's career divides into distinctive periods. His body and body of work trace his stylistic evolution at BG East. This is not the period of The Contract 6, when Jonny threw $20 at soon…See the action now!