BG's Bad Boys 2
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"It's All About Me! ME!!!"
Duration: 25 minutes
So you want to be a bad boy? BG East is here to help, showcasing our baddest heels and our toughest technical wrestlers in a new series that pays tribute to the vain, the tricky, the cowardly, the sadistic, the sexy, the crazy, and the just plain mean. In the first of th…See the action now!
Arms and the Man
Duration: 25 minutes
Dick Rick doesn't have a lot to say to Peter Owens that can't be said with a boot to the ribs and a crossface/chickenwing. Here's where the bad boy's vast ring experience shows: Why make a lot of noise, when you already know how terrific you are? Why use a lot of tricky d…See the action now!
The Main Event: Stepping Up the Badness
Duration: 43 minutes
Returning to the series he helped inaugurate, Jonny Firestorm warms up pre-fight, putting his compact muscular build on show for the camera. More than once Firestorm's agility and speed have leveled the playing field against bigger, more powerful wrestlers - to say nothin…See the action now!